
The original map koth_arctic was made by Hannes "Hanz" Tirez.
The original map koth_warmtic was made by "Popcorp".
The control point skin was made by "Alistor".
Warmtic has been around a while in Highlander but we noticed it was getting quite low reviews from players in ETF2L's last poll. Most changes you'll see here aim to only improve gameplay, not change. Most hiding/perch spots have been left in.
Update History
Various small texture changes.added
Added a bit of team colors to the sniper nests.
Thinned the pillars outside near the dropdown.improvement
Changed the invisible displacements to blockbullets.improvement
Changed some of the playerclips to blockbullets.improvement
Brightened up some light around the pillars near the dropdown.
Changed the clipping on the pillars near the point to help with splash.custom
Compiled using Fubar's BSPreveal.
An issue with the point activation voice lines.improvement
Changed the ordering of the spawn points.
Fixed a barrel's fade time.fixed
Fixed a misaligned texture.fixed
Fixed a tiny hole in the fence by the tankers.fixed
Fixed the clipping around the fence on BLU side.improvement
Added a blockbullet for the openings of the elbow doors.improvement
Added glass in front of the computer panels above the cratesimprovement
Changed some clipping to blockbullets in the elbows.improvement
Changed some clipping to blockbullets on the floor entrance to yard.improvement
Made a few props non-solid.custom
Changed the fence type under the big ramp.
A hole in the fence on BLU side by the window.improvement
Brightened red side behind the crate doorway.improvement
Minor visual tweaks.removed
Many of the light poles in the spawn areas.custom
Changed the control point model.
Fixed a lot of clipping.fixed
Restarted the project to realign focus.fixed
Removed almost every gameplay change.fixed
Tidied up some previous changes.fixed
Restarted the project to realign focus.improvement
Closed a gap between the concrete area and the raised middle point.improvement
Flattened out some of the ground by dropdown.improvement
General visual tweaks and improvements.improvement
Moved the crate next to the left stairs to not catch projectiles.improvement
Moved the lamp and barrel near the left spawn route.improvement
The clipping on some of the unusuable doors.improvement
Updated the clipping on a set of boxes that looked climbable to be climable.added
More consistent patches under health and ammo.removed
A crack shot next to the crates and little dropdown on mid.custom
Made the point hologram invisible.
A hole in the displacements on the left side of the house.fixed
An asymmetry at the edges of the tunnel entrance.improvement
Clipped around the box in banana.improvement
Clipped the far left pole when entering yard.improvement
Clipped the pole by the left route from spawn.improvement
Lowered the top crates on mid to cover up a crack shot.improvement
Smoothed the blockbullets on the catwalk fence.improvement
The ground texture in the 3D Skybox.improvement
Tweaked some prop fade times.added
Blockbullets to the corners of the room at the bottom of the stairs.removed
The lamps by the catwalk.
Some oddities on the roofs to the side of the point.fixed
Miscolored mirroring on RED side.improvement
Closed off an area under the main ramp to battlements.improvement
The clipping around the unusable door in the house.removed
Some of the "warm" lighting from the windows.removed
Some of the posts on the lamps in the most gameplay heavy areas.removed
The collision from several lights.
Filled hole in truck in the courtyard.fixed
Filled hole in wall next to truck in the courtyard.fixed
Sewed displacement in the courtyard.fixed
Texture bugs on mid.improvement
All stairs have been given blockbulletsimprovement
Cleaned up balcony.improvement
Cleaned up dropdown, its still just as dangerous but you won't get stuck in crouch.improvement
Cleaned up shack.improvement
Clipped ceiling in side rooms on mid.improvement
Gaps on side of the point have been filled with concrete.improvement
Given props that need it prop fade.improvement
Improved when props fade out.improvement
Ladder clipped with block bullets (wont have same issue has rc4 with getting caught) near shack.improvement
Lower has been clipped, lights have had their clipping removed on mid.improvement
Most props/brushes that created movement issues have either been deleted, clipped or had their collisions disabled.improvement
Slightly better FPS.improvement
Stairway to balcony has been cleaned up.improvement
Wooden platform connecting shipping crate to balcony has been smoothed and clipped on mid.removed
Broken window in house.removed
Broken window on mid.removed
Little pole like object that sticks out on the ramp to the point has been removed and the ramp has been extended to the shipping crate on mid.removed
Rubble in house.removed
Unnecessary lighting left over from koth_arctic.custom
HDR has been lowered slightly.